Welcome to Attack eSports!

About us

Professional Esports Team for Fortnite and Valorant

Founded on February 1, 2024, Attack Esports is more than just a team - it's a community driven by passion and dedication to competitive gaming. With a focus on excellence and teamwork, we strive to push the boundaries of Esports and create unforgettable moments in the gaming world. We take pride in representing Fortnite, a battle royale game, and Valorant, a tactical first-person shooter, in the competitive scene. These games offer dynamic and challenging competitive environments where we continuously improve our skills to secure our place at the top. Join us on our journey as we pursue victories. Welcome to Attack Esports, where every challenge is an opportunity to rise above and triumph.

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Ready to join our team? At Attack Esports, we're on the lookout for talented professional gamers and content creators who share our passion for Esports. If you're ready to showcase your skills and become part of a dedicated community, then apply now and become an integral part of Attack Esports!

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